Mother’s Day Gift Suggestions
Millie Blackwell Millie Blackwell

Mother’s Day Gift Suggestions

As Mother's Day approaches, we understand the importance — and challenge! — of finding the perfect gift for the woman who has been with us through thick and thin. We’ve collected some fine suggestions, and you’re always welcome to pop into the shop for a personalised recommendation from one of our Superior Book Clerks.

Read More is coming to New Zealand!
Millie Blackwell Millie Blackwell is coming to New Zealand! will enter the New Zealand market in July and we couldn’t be happier! I know a lot of our customers wrestle with wanting to support their local bookshop but also loving the convenience of audiobooks - and soon you won’t have to!

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Introducing Esterbrook Fountain Pens
Millie Blackwell Millie Blackwell

Introducing Esterbrook Fountain Pens

The Esterbrook Pen Company was founded in the U.S.A in 1858 and became, at one point, one of the largest pen manufacturers in the world. Their pens were used by presidents from Lincoln to Kennedy. And legends including Donald Duck and Snoopy were created with Esterbrook pens.

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Tools for Readers
Millie Blackwell Millie Blackwell

Tools for Readers

Reading isn’t exactly the sort of activity that requires a lot of accessories. A book (naturally) and a good place to sit and you’re well set. But for serious readers (and those who might be looking for a gift for a reader) there are a few specialised tools out there that can make your reading more luxurious, efficient, and effective.

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The History of Playing Cards
Millie Blackwell Millie Blackwell

The History of Playing Cards

When it comes to games, there’s nothing quite so ubiquitous nor so versatile as a deck of playing cards. Depending on how you count, there are thousands of different games that can be played with a standard deck.

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Political Readership
Millie Blackwell Millie Blackwell

Political Readership

Mrs Blackwell asks our South Wairarapa Mayoral and Greytown Ward Councillor candidates to share some insight into their reading habits.

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The Unsung Health Benefits of Being a Reader
Millie Blackwell Millie Blackwell

The Unsung Health Benefits of Being a Reader

Is there any scientific evidence backing up my feeling that reading can improve your life, and even your health? It seems that reading to improve intelligence and empathy is well established, so I looked into the benefits for some other, less obvious areas of our lives. Here’s what I found:

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The History of Jigsaw Puzzles
Millie Blackwell Millie Blackwell

The History of Jigsaw Puzzles

Perhaps because we opened during the pandemic, when puzzles were seeing a resurgence in popularity, jigsaw puzzles have consistently been some of our bestsellers since Mrs Blackwells began. Historians say we are in the third historic “puzzle craze,” but where did it all begin?

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A History of Penguin Books and the Mass Market Paperback
Millie Blackwell Millie Blackwell

A History of Penguin Books and the Mass Market Paperback

You probably already know that an orange Penguin cover indicates general fiction, green for crime fiction, cerise for travel and adventure, dark blue for biographies, yellow for miscellaneous, and red for drama. But what led to this uniquely simple cover design?

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Autumn at the Bookshop
Millie Blackwell Millie Blackwell

Autumn at the Bookshop

A Journal based-edition of Mrs Blackwell’s quarterly-ish update from the bookshop. This month we find out what’s happening in Greytown over winter, a musing from Mrs Blackwell about reporters notebooks and one from Mr Blackwell about why Kiwi blokes should pick up more books.

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Banned Books; Marking 100 Years since the publication of ‘Ulysses’
Millie Blackwell Millie Blackwell

Banned Books; Marking 100 Years since the publication of ‘Ulysses’

On June 11th Featherston Booktown will host an event marking 100 years since the publication of ‘Ulysses’, James Joyce’s widely banned novel. Censored in England and the United States, as well as here at home. Napier based Customs officer Henry Foster protesting its sale, and even went as far as saying the book was “written by a mental defective.”

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Why is There a Gender Gap Among Readers?
Millie Blackwell Millie Blackwell

Why is There a Gender Gap Among Readers?

Globally, women are more likely to be avid readers, more likely to read daily, and more likely to have read more books in the past year than men — despite the fact that women are more likely to be illiterate than men. But why are men less likely to be readers?

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History of the Reporter’s Notebook
Millie Blackwell Millie Blackwell

History of the Reporter’s Notebook

Recently, we received our first delivery of Blackwing’s new Reporters Notebooks, and as I was testing them out I started thinking about them as a physical tool. What a pop-culture icon they are. Why I have the instinct to put on a fedora and furiously scribble some findings in pencil. I realised, I had some questions.

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February at the Bookshop
Millie Blackwell Millie Blackwell

February at the Bookshop

A Journal based-edition of Mrs Blackwell’s monthly email update for readers. This month we find out what’s happening at the bookshop in Greytown, a very special event coming up in South Wairarapa, and there’s a couple of musings from Mrs Blackwell herself about letter writing and erasers.

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An Eraser Primer: Choosing the best tool for undoing mistakes large and small
Millie Blackwell Millie Blackwell

An Eraser Primer: Choosing the best tool for undoing mistakes large and small

For many, the beauty of a pencil is the ability to erase one’s marks — so a pencil without an eraser is a bit like a day without sunshine; gets the job done but it’s so much less pleasurable. In today’s entry we take a closer look at the eraser - the humble invention at the thinker’s side as they polish their ideas in graphite.

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Reflections On a Year in Bookselling
Millie Blackwell Millie Blackwell

Reflections On a Year in Bookselling

The bookshop turned 1 year old on December 12th and Mrs Blackwell sat down to reflect on all we've managed to achieve in these first 12 months. Let’s look at year 1 of Mrs Blackwell’s by the numbers.

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Take a Seat: A Tour of Greytown's Best Public Reading Spots
Millie Blackwell Millie Blackwell

Take a Seat: A Tour of Greytown's Best Public Reading Spots

While we're known best these days for our shopping and dining locations, Greytown still has a lot of public green space that can be enjoyed for no cost at all. And, conveniently, there are public benches and seats available all over, beckoning a weary traveler or passerby to pause a moment and enjoy the view.

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