Reading by the Stars

July was all about the stars at Mrs Blackwell’s Village Bookshop.

While our #1 competitor was venturing out toward the stars himself, we put on a rather more humble - but still Best in Village award winning! - window display as a tribute to the Wairarapa night sky and everything that’s out there.

As part of Greytown’s Festival of Christmas we hosted a very grown-up stargazing event: Cocktails and Constellations - where we got to see firsthand some of the many reasons why the Wairarapa has the chops to become an international dark sky reserve.

We even brought in a collection of books on astrology by popular request!

Whether you’re a true believer or merely curious about the zodiac, here’s our (just for fun) guide for matching your friends or loved one’s sign and personality traits to their tastes as a reader.


Aries tend to be bold, brave, spontaneous, and adventurous, so they’re likely to enjoy stories that embrace that adventurous nature. Think adventure stories or adventurous genres like science fiction and thrillers. They also like to win and be number one, so they may enjoy biographies and other non-fiction tales of winners and their journeys to the top.


Taurus the bull is a grounded earth sign that also loves beautiful things and fine aesthetics and experiences — and they’re not afraid of a long page count. For fiction, think lush prose or sprawling historical epics that don’t skimp on the details. Taurus people will also appreciate a gorgeous photography, coffee table book, or an exquisite cookbook.


Gemini are famously the sign of duality, represented by twins. Geminis are often perpetually busy because there are so many things that interest them and pique their curiosity. They might enjoy crossover genres in fiction — like a historical mystery, urban fantasy, or sci-fi romance. Or try a non-fiction book that explores their latest interest or passion. But because Geminis tend to be busy, try an audiobook for reading on the go!


Cancerians tend to be highly intuitive and good at “reading the room.” They’re also highly protective and invested in building and maintaining relationships. Non-fiction titles exploring relationships and their own intuition will interest them, and fiction stories that explore the intricacies of familial relations will definitely hit the spot. Counter-intuitively, many Cancerians like to be scared — so a thriller or horror novel that also explores character relationships might be a perfect match.


The lions of astrology, Leos like to embrace their royal status. They’re passionate, vivacious, even a little dramatic at times. They may enjoy reading actual plays, but any stories that follow the hero(ine)’s journey will likely interest them. In non-fiction, tune into the passions that are currently intriguing the Leo — they like to dive deep with things that interest them. Try a true crime novel that will keep them hooked.


Virgos are logical, practical, and down-to-earth. They aren’t afraid to really lean in to practicing and cultivating their skills to become experts. Virgos probably gravitate towards non-fiction that will help them sharpen their skills in whatever field they’ve chosen, or help them solve a specific problem — but don’t count them out for fiction. In fact, Virgos tend to appreciate smart, pointed humour and satire.


Focused on balance, justice, and harmony, Librans tend to be idealistic, valuing equality and solving conflicts. They may enjoy fictional tales of culture clashes that are resolved, but they’ll also appreciate tales that include clever symmetry in characters or plot. For non-fiction, Librans may enjoy learning about social justice issues or reading biographies of people who have fought for equality and justice in their lives.


Passionate, powerful, (and easily bored), Scorpios need a book that will grab them from page one and not let go. They tend to love sex and romance, so thrilling, intense romance novels will definitely be on their to-read list. But that doesn’t mean they’re an intellectual slouch: choose a non-fiction book that’s fast-paced and intense and they’ll be just as engaged.



Sagittarians are on a quest for knowledge and experiences, so they’re likely to love travel and adventure — both in real life and on their reading lists. Compelling travelogues (think Eat, Pray, Love) or travel books about places on their bucket lists will likely delight, as will fictional tales of globe-hopping adventures.


Capricorns are serious, stoic, and grounded — and they’ll do whatever it takes to achieve their goals. They’re not likely to enjoy light fantasy or silly comedy, but would much rather read tales of characters working hard to overcome and persevere through the realities of life. A classic Russian novel perhaps? Or lean into their desire for success and look for non-fiction books that will help them achieve their goals.


The most humanitarian of the signs, Aquarians are highly intellectual, modern, and anything but traditional. The classics may bore them, so try an experimental novel, short stories, or book of poetry that requires something of the reader. In non-fiction, they may be drawn to futurists and experts seeking to solve the world’s most complex problems.


The consummate daydreamers of the zodiac, Pisces love all things dreamy, spiritual, and artful. They’re fighting the constant pull between dream and reality. Of all the signs, Pisces are primed to love fantasy and magical realism — anything that explores the boundaries where magic and reality meet. They also tend to be aesthetes, so beautiful non-fiction art books, cookbooks, and dreamy poetry may also fit the bill. 

Need a little more direction? Our in-house book nerds would be happy to help you choose the perfect read - but don’t test us too much on the signs! Just drop in or phone for assistance.

Stargazing image by Mark de Jong

Zodiac Globe image by Nastya Dulhiier

Millie Blackwell

Mrs Blackwell is a bookseller from Greytown, New Zealand. Her bookshop in the village’s Main Street aims to delight the curious minds and romantic souls who cross its threshold. She frequently talks about herself in the third person.


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